Finalist in the Slam drama category

What have I been doing the past month, you ask? Oh, just binge-watching The Vampire Diaries again from start to finish and loving every minute of it.

That’s why it was easy to pick a scene to enter into this month’s Monologue Slam. After doing a couple of comedic category entries, I wanted to explore this more dramatic piece and this scene let me practice some more emotion work. This scene is from The Vampire Diaries season 6, episode 19, and is written by Melinda Hsu Taylor.

Thanks so much to the judges - Bryan Misener, Diane Kerbel, and Shasta Lutz - for naming me as a finalist in the dramatic category!

Also, real ones will know that the book I’m using as a prop in the tape is actually The Tales of Beedle the Bard from Harry Potter, hehe.


What Really Matters is now in festivals


Made it to the Slam comedy finals again!